My best serum : Bougas Beauty Advanced Serum

Hai semua! 7 bulan tak update blog. 7 bulan juga aku LDR dengan husband. Every weekend balik Batu Pahat. Exhausted! Believe it or not, aku turun 7 kilo. Maybe because stress kerja, tak makan sangat, and travel every week KL- Batu Pahat.
Alhamdulilah sekarang dah tinggal dengan suami.

Okay back to the story. Aku nak share serum best! Best gila! And yes! Benda best, benda bagus patut di sharekan.

Bougas Beauty Advanced Serum.
Aku tak penah ada serum sebelum ni. Sebab serum mahal ratus ratus. Tapi this serum tak mahal and really works well on ma skin! I have normal to oily skin (check skin type dekat Kiehls)
Antara benefits of this Bougas Beauty Advanced Serum is ,
âś…100% waterbased serum ( Macam gel tapi tak pekat sangat, and like water tapi tak mengalir)
âś…Tidak melekit, oily atau greasy
âś…Sesuai untuk lelaki & perempuan
âś…Sesuai untuk SEMUA JENIS KULIT
âś…Merawat kulit BERJERAWAT & BERPARUT
âś…Membantu menghilangkan kulit KUSAM
âś…Mengurangkan lebihan minyak di muka
âś…Melembapkan kulit kering
âś…Mengecilkan liang pori
âś…Sekatakan tona kulit
âś…Menaikkan seri semulajadi wajah
âś…Anti penuaan supaya kulit kekal lembut & muda

Mula mula macam tak berapa yakin nak pakai local serum. Takut jenis timbang kilo punya krim. But trust me, IT IS NOT TIMBANG KILO TYPE.
Lepas aku pakai lebih 2 botol, yet muka makin licin, and parut cepat hilang.
I know not only this product helps my skin makin okay, good skincare actually buat muka licin and tak naik jerawat.
This serum ONE OF THE REASON muka aku makin licin and tak naik jerawat.

Dulu packaging dia , jenis droplet. Now, dia pakai new bottle. Which is boleh pump . Senang for travel. Not too big, not too small. The bootle is in gold colour, nampak exclusive. I love it!

Aqua - Carrier to deliver active ingredients
Arbutin - Skin lightening agent
Citric acid - Minimizing pores and reduce dead skin cell
Sodium sulfite - Preventing or slowing deterioration of comestic
Acetyl Tyrosine - as skin conditioning agent
Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract - Whitening effects, antioxidation and pore tightening.
Aminopropyl Ascorbyl Phosphate - Healing inflammation, anti aging, building collagen, defending skin against free radicals.
Fragrance - As a scent(Lavender, 0.01%)
Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract - Protcetion from the sun damage
Glutathione - Skin whitening agent, brightening, lighten the skin and anti dark spot.
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract - Contains vitamin B and C and soothe the skin, helps healing burns, wound and scars
Prunus Yedoensis Leaf Extract - Anti flammation and skin soothing
Hyaluronic acid - Ni paling i suka, dia reduce wrinkles and give soothing -moisture to the skin.
Carbomer - Thickening agent
PEG-60 Almond Glycerides - Skin conditioning agent and give freshness to the skin
Capryryl Glycol - Skin conditioning and moisturizing agent
Nordihydroguaiaretic acid - Fight acne
Oleanolic Acid (Olive) leaves -  Anti aging effects and help support skin elasticity
Triethlyene Glycol - Fragrance ingredient and viscosity decreasing agent
Phenoxyethanol - Preservative to kill bacteria
Peg 40 Hydrogenated Castor oil - To stop moisture loss and keep skin feeling soft.
Paeonia Suffruticosa root extract - Antioxidant, brightening the skin and anti inflammatory.

Direction for usage :
If before this, after toner terus sapu moisturiser. Since ada serum, aku apply serum lepas toner.
Toner -> Serum ->Moisturiser.
Believe it or not, SATU PUMP JE DAH CUKUP SAPU THE WHOLE FACE. Jimat kan? Yes satu pump je.
Cara nak pakai dia is, hanya sekali pump di jari/tapak tangan. Sapukan dan ratakan ke muka. Serum akan meresap dalam beberapa saat sahaja. Selepas serum anda boleh pakai moisturizer, sunscreen & makeup seperti biasa.

Serum sesuai dipakai 2 kali sehari (pagi & malam) tetapi paling penting adalah wajib pakai pada waktu malam - kerana malam adalah waktu membaiki kulit.

Texture and Feel : 
This bougas beauty advanced serum is water based serum.
water based ni maksudnya jenis air tapi dia tak mengalir, also macam gel tapi tak pekat sangat.
which is senang absorb in your skin.
Warna dia very clear, transparent.

Smell :
Ada 0.01 fragrance which is bau lavender. Tapi tak kuat bau dia. Sekejap je. Lepas absorb dalam muka, terus takde bau dah.

This Bougas beauty adavanced serum boleh for all skin type. acne skin, Oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin also combination skin. Make sure pakai skincare yang betul ikut skintype kita. Then apply this serum, yes, nampak the goodness of this serum.


This Bougas Beauty advances serum jangan risau, ada kelulusan KKM
❗️Mendapat pengiktirafan GMP
❗️Diiktiraf HALAL by JAKIM
❗️Setanding jenama antarabangsa

My review 
Dah masuk tiga botol dah pakai, my skin getting better and better. Tapi baru dua botol consisten pakai. Kena consistent pakai baru elok kat muka, baru berkesan and nampak the difference.

Price and where to buy 
Harga : RM75.00 (20 ml)
Boleh beli melalui saya,instagram saya aliahwardrobe/bougasbeauty.syafiqah klik sini atau stokist seluruh Malaysia.

Rating :
Nak bagi 4.5/5.0

Thanks for reading, please look forward for my future review.
This is my honest review, no paid review.

2 ulasan

  1. thank you Aliah Syafiqah for honest review. btw, i'm am one of bougas beauty agent :)
    You also can purchase with me soon

  2. Assalamualaikum. Minta izin copy infredient ya



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