Skincare Review : Origins Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay.

Since i have oily and acne skin, aku mencari clay mask yang very good for my skin. Oily skin kena pakai clay mask yang aku baca la. This is Origins Retexturizing mask with rose clay.
One of the best mask yang aku pernah try. A little bit pricey but worth it! 

At first, aku dapat free sample from sephora. Then amaze gila lepas pakai. Sampai habis sample aku pakai, Even the first time pakai dah nampak muka glowing after apply this mask, then decide nak beli the same mask. 
Now, almost habis dah pakai one bottle ni. 
Share dengan husband, sebab husband pun oily skin and sibuk nak ‘rawatan muka’ dari bini.

Okay let see the
Packaging macam product lain, jenis tube and squeeze to use it. Warna pink botol tu buat aku tertarik actually, plus the products is good . Memang akan repeat beli lagi. 

Rose clay and Willowherb have a lot of benefits. Rose clay helps tighten pores and detoxify the skin. Willowherb is anti-inflammatory and soothing. 

Direction to use 
This is what i actually do, after i cleanse my face with my cleanser, spray face mist, then put on this rose clay mask all over my face. Sometime i use hand, sometime i pakai brush. Then i leave it for about 10minutes, the mask will dry. Nampak macam start to crack tu, dah boleh basuh. Basuh dengan air, tapi because of dia ada jojoba beads that exfoliate, so what i did is, basuh dengan air with circular motion. Dapat scrub sekali muka. Lepas pakai, nampak glowing muka plus the smell of rose wangi. 

Texture and feel
This rosemask works as mask and also exfoliate. In this mask ada macam biji biji which is Jojoba beads that acts as process of exfoliation. 
Colour dia warna light pink and its so cutee! Light pink is ma favourite colour. 

Smell of roses! Senang kata melayu, bau sirap la. Wangi kan? But the smell agak strong. 

I would recommend this to oily skin type, combination skin also normal skin 

My review 
First time pakai dah rasa jatuh cinta dengan this rose clay mask. My skin looks amazing after use it! Hari tu pakai, ada macam tiny bumps naik, lepas pakai this clay mask, the next day hilang tiny bumps tu. My pores getting smaller pakai ni. Dull skin to glowing and flawless skin. Before apply makeup, aku pakai this mask, to get that glow kalau banyak masa sebelum event tu.
This mask great for pores, for brighten up skin, for smooth skin .
Dont wear it everyday, but twice or three times a week. 

Where to buy 
Sephora - 30 ml RM64.00
                 75 ml RM100.00

I give 4.5/5.0

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