Aku ada oily skin, paling oily dekat T zone, including dagu.
Biasa mask, kita akan pakai 2-3 kali seminggu.
Bila rasa muka oily sangat, aku akan pakai mask.
What's the best mask for oily skin?
What mask are good for open pores?
Why i like claymask?
Its because claymask ni, unclog pores, akan shrinks skin pores.
Lepa spakai, muka akan a bit tight, as the clay to dry.
Its okay, after pakai claymask, use toner, or hydration toner to get back the hydration.
I find claymask does help a lot with oily skin.
Oily skin kurang sikit bila everyweek pakai claymask.
Claymask yang the best i pakai takat ni is,
1) The Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.
Intensively purifies to minimize pores.
The price is not so expensive. I thought it is expensive at the first place nak beli mask brand Kiehl's
Sangat berbaloi.
Tahan lama. Lebih 4-5 bulan tahan, itu pun seminggu 1 kali pakai, sometimes skip 2 minggu sekali.
Sebab minggu kedua try claymask lain.
Will give review soon for this mask once i dah finish pakai one tub of the Kiehls Rare Earth Deep Pre Cleansing Masque.
2) Origins Original Skin Retexturizing Mask with Rose Clay
I love this mask so much! I LOVE THE SMELLS OF THE ROSE. I SUKA BAU SIRAP.
i ada review about this clay mask.
Suka gilaa! Please buy!
Make your skin glow. Like seriously!
Rose clay is good for sensitive skin. This clay mask provides exfoliation, buang toxic from the skin, reduce irritation kat muka, and yes glow skin.
Dua ni yang i repeat beli.
Go try and feel! Best!
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