Skincare Review : Kayman Coalface Cleanser

Hai, kali ni nak review local product. Nowadays, local product boleh dipercayai. Ada KKL, halal, selamat digunakan, dan bukan timbang kilo produk tu yang penting.
Kayman rasanya dah popular kat Malaysia, tapi belum jual di watson guardian lagi. Jual melalui agent, dropship etc je setakat ni. 

Kayman ada beberapa produk iaitu : 
1) Kayman Beauty Coalface Cleanser 
2) Kayman BeautyCoalface Soap 
3) Kayman Beauty Rose Essence
4) Kayman Beauty Skintella Repairing Serum.

Kali ni nak review earliest product by Kayman, which is Kayman Coalface Cleanser 
Kayman Coalface Cleanser for dry skin (RM39.00)
Kayman Coalface Soap for oily and combination skin. (RM35.00)

Kayman Coalface Cleanser 
What its claim 
- Charcoal help neutralize the toxins on the skin and heps other product to absorb better on the skin after cleansing
- Honey - brightening the skin
- Suitable for dry, sensitive and acne skin.

- Low ph cleanser 
- Heps reduce acne, tiny bumps, whitehead
- Gentle on skin

Packaging dia hipster sebab warna hitam. HAHA. 
Pump bottle is good, tapi mine tak boleh pump. Sebab beli beli tak boleh tekan. Sakit hati. So end up i put in a small tube.
The botthe in black colour tapi cannot see berapa banyak in the inside.

Water, Aloe Vera Extract, Cocoamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerine, Polysorbate 20, Xathan Gum, Honey Extract, Green Tea Extract, Activated charcoal, Phenoxyethanol, Black liquid, Gold
Direction of use
Cleanser ni kita pakai first sebelum pakai toner and moisturiser.
  1. Apply a small amount of facial cleanser to the skin
  2. Use your fingers to gently massage the cleanser onto the skin in a circular motion
  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water

Texture and feel 
Its black liquid with gold glitter. Rasa dia macam ada kasar sikit because of the gold.

No smells

Its stated for dry and sensitive skin.

My review 
First time cuba, okay la . Rasa macam bersih je muka. Then lepas seminggu to two weeks pakai, naik tiny bumps, muka tak smooth, muka cam naik biji biji, jerawat pasir kat both pipi. Then, aku stop kejap. Sebab takut. Skincare lain aku pakai sama, cuma cleanser je masa tu try this one, naik jerawat. Lepas stop seminggu, aku sambung lagi pakai everyday, naik juga tiny bbumps, ARGHHH AKU STRESS. Dan aku decide untuk stop pakai Kayman Coalface Cleanser ni. 
Bila tengok balik this product, rupanya untuk dry and sensitive skin. Salah sendiri sebab tak cek dulu. 
My skin is combination and oily. 
Tapi recently aku ada beli Kayman Coalface Soap, pakai about a week, muka naik lagi tiny bumps, jerawat pasir, and then aku stop pakai Kayman Cleanser. Means muka aku tak sesuai dengan ni. 
Walopon ramai gila pakai this cleanser jadi flawless, tapi dengan aku tak berjaya. 
Maybe serum and essence Kayman aku okay, nanti aku try. 
Tapi both Kayman Coalface Cleanser and soap aku tak buang, aku cuci parut di lengan, macam berkesan juga hilangkan parut. 
So i believe, customer lain yang try Kayman clenaser, dari muka jerawat, parut, terus hilang pakai Kayman Cleanser ni, betul la, dapat pudarkan parut. 
Secara jujurnya, muka aku tak boleh dengan this cleanser

Where to buy
Price RM39.00 
Boleh beli Online! Shopee, instagram.
Agent Kayman seluruh Malaysia.

Sorry, but my skin face cant accpet this.

9 ulasan

  1. gee dah follow blog ni & add masuk bloglist juga :)

    1. Okay nanti saya update blog tentang segmen yang sis buat. Thank you follow

  2. Huhu sis. I pun ad skin type mcm you. Combination skin. I really wanted to try Kayman products, but since u blog this i rse mcm ishh tak nak ah 😂. Clenaser i yg skrg pun ok lagi, so i think no need to buy another one but yeah jeles gak tgk review org lain 😣

    1. kayman now ada cleanser baru, rasanya dia dah improve. Awak boleh cuba yang baru punya, kayman coalberry tak silap

  3. hai sis... i punya skin pun sama typee mcm u .. now i dah tak ada guna apa2 dah .. semua i gunaa semua tak berkesan.. streess.. jerawat tetap naik.. bru ingt nk guna cleanser ni .. tp baca review sis ni .. terus ragu2 juga.. help mee.. mcm mana nk selamat kan kulit muka i ni..hukhuk

    1. kene cek dulu ingredient apa yang awak okay. try cari cleanser yang untuk jerawat atau oily skin.

  4. Sis, sis ada cuba kayman mosturizer gel? Sbb saya pun pakai coalface soap ni naik tinu bumps mmg tak sesuai dgn muka saya.. saya skrng nak try mosturizer kayman tapi tengok ingredients macam okay tapi takut juga sbb coalface soap tu pun okay ingredient dia cuma taktahulah kenapa tak sesuai dgn skin saya



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