Skincare Review : Hada Labo Premium Whitening Essences

Assalamualaikum semua. Lately ni, malam sampai ke pagi hujan lebat.
Hati hati yang baru nak pergi kerja pagipagi ni.
Bawa kereta slow slow okay.

Hari ni nak share pasal essences Hada Labo. Tahun 2017 dulu aku pernah beli this essence, masa tu muka sangat sangat okay, tapi sekejap je. Parut cepat je hilang. Habis je satu botol essence tu, aku switch tu other product.
Now, aku pakai balik, nak cek betul ke tak, this essences works on my skin.
Parut cepat hilang masa pakai this essences. Serius ! Tapi ada satu masalah dengan this product.....Nak tau kenapa? Jom baca review aku.
Ni antara produk aku pakai yang cepat hilang parut and brighten my skin.

What its claim 

'Anti Dark Spots'
'Anti Redness'
'Anti Dullness'

1. Brightens Skins 
Contains Tranexamic Acid and Vitamin C to fight dark spots and improve radiance.
Contains high purity of Arbutin

2. Evens skin tone 
Contains Schisandra Sphenanthera Extract and Carnosine to relieve visible redness, reawaken dull skin and re-balance skin tone

3. Long-lasting hydration 
It contains 2 types of Hyaluronic acid to provide intense and long lasting hyration.

Suitable for all skin types
Free from alcohol. fragrances, colorant and mineral oil.

Packaging jenis droplet. Squeeze the top cap, then ssapu kat muka. . Dalam botol tu ada 30 gram. Botol kaca warna biru gelap. Tak transparent. Botol dia tak boleh see-thru dalam dia tinggal banyak mana. Aku dah try letak kat lampu pun tak nampak dalam. Goncang la kot, kalau rasa nak cek berapa banyak dalam tu.

Water, Dipropylene Glycol, Glycerin, Arbutin, Triethylhexanoin, Isopropyl Myristate, Peg-20 Sorbitan Isostearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Glyceryl Stearate, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Disodium Edta, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate.

Direction to use
Lepas pakai toner, pakai this essences then pakai moisturiser. Biasa aku akan titis kan kat muka, without the tips kena kat muka. Titiskan kat empat area, pipi, dahi, dagu and hidung, lepas tu sapu the whole face.

Texture and feel
Rich texture. Rasa macam gel pekat.
Tak oily pun. Fast absorb ke muka.
Its hydrates the skin.
Rasa skin smooth bangun pagi.

No fragrances. Tapi macam ada sikit bau gel. Tak kuat pun bau tu. Sapu kat muka, hilang la bau tu.

For all skin type boleh pakai.

My review 
Fast absorbtion. No fragrance, aku suka.
Oily skin /combination skin macam aku, boleh pakai.
After pakai essence ni, aku pakai moisturiser Muji (Light) .
Tak review lagi Muji. Nanti aku review Muji Moisturiser.
Pakai essences, ni tak rasa berminyak pun. Melekit sikit lepas apply, lepas dah absorb,okay je.
Hampir satu botol dah pakai this essence dah boleh nampak result dia.
Tapi dia contains methylparaben. Methylparaben ni tak bagus.
You can google about methyparaben.
Maybe nak kena tukar other essences yang same function macam this essence tapi no paraben.
Tapi bestnya this essences cepat pudarkan parut. Lepas tu, bila parut cepat hilang, muka akan nampak bright. Best! Tapi tula, kenapa ada methylparaben tu. :(

3.9/ 5

Shoppe : Dapat RM55 masa sale shoppe mall
Guardian : RM81.50
Watson : RM81.50 (Masa sale, murah sikit)
Hermo : RM61.13 

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