How I got My First Google Adsense Payment From Blogging

 Hai everyone!

So excited to share with you about my first payment from google adsense.

So so happy that my hobby buat blogging now, dah jadi one of my part time job. 

Ada lagi part time online business lain buat. Blogging is one of it. 

This is how the story begin. 

When i first do blogging, i just love to share my story, my student life just untuk buat kenang kenangan. Kadang kadang bila dah lama, kita lupa so bila buat blogging, macam remind me balik all those memories yang dah lama berlalu. Dulu i share my story, my student life, tak ramai orang baca pun, maybe family and friends je baca. Then bila dah 2018 tu, i start blogging about skincare. I dont know much about skincare before tu, but after reading lot of things pasal basic skincare, AHA BHA , niacinamide la and etc, kat blog , website, review, and books, macam seronok pulak buat review based on my own skin. I love to see how my skin react. 

That time, rasa nya dah pernah try request letak adsense kat blog tapi tak boleh, on 2016. Dua kali dapat email tak approved by google adsense. Dari email tu, google bagitahu, what to improve, what should have in your blog, apa yang perlu ada kat blog supaya google adsense verify kita punya blog. 

After that, I start blog cerita pasal skincare review, pasal food, masak, lepas dari tu, ramai readers read my blog. People notice me! wow! so many readers read my review. Then dapat email again dari google adsense, 2018.

 Happy gila lepas dapat email dari google ni. Terus tengok duit payment berapa dapat masa tu. Minimum to get payment from google is 100USD. Disebabkan baru activate google adsense, so baru dapat sikit payment. Yang paling best , the payment is in USD not in Malaysian Riggit. Lepas dari tu, memang makin rajin la tulis blog. Month after month, duit google adsense increase. Then, lepas setahun tu, dapat email dari google adsense, yang duit payment tu diorang dah deliver to my house. Yeay!

On 2020, baru la first time terima cheque dari google adsense. Ada beberapa cara nak keluarkan duit dari google adsense, 

1) By cheque

2) By paypal 

3) By western union. 

Pakai cheque memang agak lambat dapat. Disebabkan first time, dan macam was was dengan payment ni (takut scam) so pakai cheque. The cheque was send to my house. 

Masa dapat email tu, is on 24 April, masa tu PKP. Memang dijangka dapat lambat . 

23 June 2020 , surat from Mr Google sampai rumah. Alhamdulilah. 

After that terus ke machine atm untuk deposit but this cheque is not same length as normal cheque in Malaysia. The cheque agak panjang, so i have to go to Maybank kaunter tu submit the cheque dan deposit to my account. Lepas dah bagi cheque kepada bank, it takes like a month baru duit USD tu masuk akaun. Sangat sangat perlu bersabar . Rasanya, paypal dan western union lebih laju dari cheque. Tapi tak pernah try lagi.

After this boleh la try dapat payment from paypal and western union (Baru buat akaun western union and paypal, kene study how to get payment from that platform).

Thank you Google. 

Hara lepas ni dapat duit google setiap bulan. Amiiinn.

1 ulasan

  1. Hello sis, I have question about the cheque. Is the bank will cut some of our money? Because it's in dollar and I'm worried for a bit. Also, can we get our money in the same day when we give the cheque to the bank? Lastly, if you already change your payment to wiring transfer, is the money will get cut too? I'm very sorry for asking a lot of questions. And your reply it's very meaningful to me. I hope you'll success with your blogs.



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Resepi Masakan


My Student Life

Skincare Review

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