Before this i did skincare review for Aiken toner. Here the link , Aiken toner review
This time, im gonna review for Aiken Tea Tree Oil Moisturiser
What its claim
-Oil and acne control.
-Non comedogenic (wont clog pores)
-Have uv protection.
-Contains tea tree oil to help protect skin from pimples naturally.
-Light , oil free water based formulation ideal for oily and combination skin.
-Specially formulated to target pimple prone skin and remove excess oil, controlling shine and refining pores.
-Helps soothe and hydrate skin
-Formulated at skin ph.
-It fight acne
-Uv protection moisturiser
-Specific for acne and oily skin peopl.
-Remove excess oil.
-It have brightening ingre, licorice root extract
It is in tub, or jar container. Non hygienic . I like pump size bottle.
Refer packaging, sebab panjang sangat. Hahah. Ada alcohol, maybe kulit sensitive tak sesuai. Akan pedih, or kering. Ada bahan menthol and tea tree oil. Ada skin yang tak boleh dengan tea tree oil, pedih and naik merah merah. Depends pada skin juga ye.
Direction to use
Wear after toner or serum.
Take like one swipe to face , gently massage circular motion, spreading evenly across face.
Texture and feel
Very light, and watery texture. Not a thick type of cream moisturiser. Doesnt give white cast.
Smell of the tea tree oil, like herbs.
It have fragrance in the ingred.
For oily skin
Not suitable for sensitive skin and dry skin, it may irritate skin.
My review
For my review,after i use it about a month, i think its an okay product. It have a really strong scent of the tea tree oil, and herbs smell. If you are okay with the fragrance, then its okay la. Some people i believe dont like the smell.
For the product reaction to my skin, it absorb well in to my skin, i think its a bit oily when I wear it on a hot sunny day. But, its hydrated well if I wear this indoor, or in the office that have aircond. So it wont make my skin dry.
I have oily skin, this moisturiser doesnt give my skin oily but its just okay laaa.
It doesnt give breakout to my skin, helps fight acne.
Budget friendly price. Really cheap. Worth money. It last for like 2 month- 3month.
Where to buy
Price is really cheap! RM11 - RM15 per unit.
You can buy at
Watson RM12.67 75ml
Guardian RM12.67 75ml
Shopee RM12.50 , RM12.90 , RM11.80 also got!
Boleh beli dekat watson , klik siini
My tips, if i have tiny bumps, and my skin macam berminyak, i will wear mask.
Mask for oily skin like me. I did review before mask for oily skin.
click here , Mask for oily skin
After i wear mask, i will wear Aiken acne toner, bougas serum , and aiken moisturiser.
Then i woke up, tiny bumps all gone!!!!!!!
This time, im gonna review for Aiken Tea Tree Oil Moisturiser
What its claim
-Oil and acne control.
-Non comedogenic (wont clog pores)
-Have uv protection.
-Contains tea tree oil to help protect skin from pimples naturally.
-Light , oil free water based formulation ideal for oily and combination skin.
-Specially formulated to target pimple prone skin and remove excess oil, controlling shine and refining pores.
-Helps soothe and hydrate skin
-Formulated at skin ph.
-It fight acne
-Uv protection moisturiser
-Specific for acne and oily skin peopl.
-Remove excess oil.
-It have brightening ingre, licorice root extract
It is in tub, or jar container. Non hygienic . I like pump size bottle.
Refer packaging, sebab panjang sangat. Hahah. Ada alcohol, maybe kulit sensitive tak sesuai. Akan pedih, or kering. Ada bahan menthol and tea tree oil. Ada skin yang tak boleh dengan tea tree oil, pedih and naik merah merah. Depends pada skin juga ye.
Direction to use
Wear after toner or serum.
Take like one swipe to face , gently massage circular motion, spreading evenly across face.
Texture and feel
Very light, and watery texture. Not a thick type of cream moisturiser. Doesnt give white cast.
Smell of the tea tree oil, like herbs.
It have fragrance in the ingred.
For oily skin
Not suitable for sensitive skin and dry skin, it may irritate skin.
My review
For my review,after i use it about a month, i think its an okay product. It have a really strong scent of the tea tree oil, and herbs smell. If you are okay with the fragrance, then its okay la. Some people i believe dont like the smell.
For the product reaction to my skin, it absorb well in to my skin, i think its a bit oily when I wear it on a hot sunny day. But, its hydrated well if I wear this indoor, or in the office that have aircond. So it wont make my skin dry.
I have oily skin, this moisturiser doesnt give my skin oily but its just okay laaa.
It doesnt give breakout to my skin, helps fight acne.
Budget friendly price. Really cheap. Worth money. It last for like 2 month- 3month.
Where to buy
Price is really cheap! RM11 - RM15 per unit.
You can buy at
Watson RM12.67 75ml
Guardian RM12.67 75ml
Shopee RM12.50 , RM12.90 , RM11.80 also got!
Boleh beli dekat watson , klik siini
My tips, if i have tiny bumps, and my skin macam berminyak, i will wear mask.
Mask for oily skin like me. I did review before mask for oily skin.
click here , Mask for oily skin
After i wear mask, i will wear Aiken acne toner, bougas serum , and aiken moisturiser.
Then i woke up, tiny bumps all gone!!!!!!!
Testing testing
BalasPadamSalam,akak nak tanya kalau kita pakai moisturizer ni tapi tak guna toner boleh ke?
BalasPadamtoner is not really important in skincare routine. the basics only cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen it's actually tambahan dlm skincare je, if takde then it's ok
Padamsalam,akak boleh ke kalau kita pakai moisturizer tapi tak pakai toner?
BalasPadamboleh, yang penting cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen.
PadamFor me..I mmg jenis oily skin type but bila I pkai moisturiser ni..bru pkai sekali tau...trus muka I jadi mkin berminyak and jd irritation+merah2 muka...geram sgt bila bc review okay n I tk suggest utk korng la tho moisturiser plus bau alcohol dia kuat n fragrance too:(
BalasPadamTula ada muka yang tak sesuai, ada yang okay. Depends pada kulit . Maybe sebab ada alcohol and fragrance tu.
PadamSaya buat patch test then kulit saya ok tapi bila pakai kat muka dengan serum, skincare yg lain jugak la,muka saya macam makin naik jerawat.macam mana tu?
BalasPadammaybe ada skincare yang tak sesuai
PadamAssalamulaikum kak kalau kita x pakai sunscreen blh x sebab umur saya 16 tahun ke dah blh pakai tapi mak saya x bagi pakai����
BalasPadamAssalamualaikum saya nak tanya kalau untuk dry skin ..any suggestions tak pakai moisturizer apa ..sbb skin sy memang dry ..kalau muka lap dengan kain Hitam ..nampak putih dekat kain Hitam tu...dead skin��n kalau panas pedih jugak..
BalasPadamSy beli simple tapi bila pakai moisturizer muka agak pedih n rasa panas ... adakah moisturizer tu tk sesuai.. sbb sy punya skin dry skin..